Nuwara Eliya (1880m)

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Nächste Wetterstation - Nuwara Eliya Abstand
Nuwara Eliya 0.0 km
Kandy 16.2 km
Bandarawela 24.2 km
Badulla 31.5 km
Maha Illuppallama 39.4 km
Ratnapura 41.1 km
Hambantota 43.4 km
Vavuniya 43.9 km
Kurunegala 45.5 km
Anuradhapura Flughafen 46.2 km
Trincomalee 60.7 km
Galle 63.6 km
Jaffna 97.2 km
Colombo 98.4 km
Katunayake 98.4 km
Colombo 99.6 km
Mannar 101.8 km
Batticaloa 104.7 km
Puttalam 105.8 km
Pottuvil 118.8 km
Nagapattinam 124.4 km
Karaikal 127.5 km
Pamban 178.2 km
Tiruchirapalli Flughafen 240.2 km
Madurai 303.2 km
Palayamkottai 337.8 km
Thiruvananthapuram Flughafen 426.1 km
Alappuzha 487.4 km
Kochi Flughafen 490.7 km
Willingdon 505.1 km

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