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Region: Podilsk
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Nächste Wetterstation - Podilsk Abstand
Ljubaschiwka 84.0 km
Chişinău 92.7 km
Chişinău Flughafen 103.1 km
Uman 126.5 km
Winnyzja 176.8 km
Odessa/Tsentralny 188.2 km
Mohyliw-Podilskyj 204.7 km
Iaşi 217.3 km
Bârnova 227.1 km
Vaslui 227.8 km
Myroniwka 247.4 km
Negreşti 247.6 km
Sulina 251.1 km
Maliuc 252.9 km
Bârlad 255.3 km
Ștefăneşti 255.8 km
Schytomyr 256.7 km
Mahmudia 263.2 km
Mykolajiw 275.6 km
Tulcea 276.0 km
Galați 276.0 km
Kiew 276.0 km
Sfântu Gheorghe 276.3 km
Hostomel Flughafen 285.6 km
Cotnari 291.0 km
Boryspil 292.6 km
Umirea 298.6 km
Tecuci 299.9 km
Roman 299.9 km
Gura Portitei 302.7 km
Chiscani 305.4 km
Adjud 306.9 km
Kropywnyzkyj 307.6 km
Bacău 313.1 km
Botoşani 319.1 km
Casimcea 321.6 km
Chmelnyzkyj 326.8 km
Focşani 327.6 km
Darabani 330.5 km
Hârşova 344.9 km
Mihail Kogălniceanu Flughafen 349.1 km
Târgu Ocna 351.4 km
Suceava Flughafen 352.1 km
Târgu Neamț 353.2 km
Cherson 355.8 km
Piatra Neamț 357.3 km
Constanța 357.4 km
Valea Râmnicului 360.0 km
Schepetiwka 364.1 km
Medgidia 369.7 km
Cernavodă 370.4 km
Feteşti 378.9 km
Bisoca 379.8 km
Grivita 384.7 km
Buzău 392.5 km
Slobozia 392.8 km
Mangalia 396.5 km
Adamclisi 396.9 km
Lacaut Mountain 397.6 km
Brahin 398.9 km
Rădăuți 403.7 km
Ceahlau Toaca 404.2 km
Penteleu 405.2 km
Tschernihiw 405.7 km
Czernowitz 407.2 km
Krywyj Rih Flughafen 412.1 km
Tschornomorske 413.4 km
Târgu Secuiesc 416.3 km
Masyr 417.4 km
Pătârlagele 423.8 km
Călăraşi 424.1 km
Switlowodsk 433.6 km
Urziceni 435.6 km
Întorsura Buzăului 436.3 km
Miercurea Ciuc 442.7 km
Lubny 444.5 km
Sfântu Gheorghe 453.0 km
Joseni 457.5 km
Ternopil 463.3 km
Baraolt 466.5 km
Riwne 468.6 km
Toplița 469.8 km
Sarny 473.9 km
Warna 475.9 km
Ploieşti 479.7 km
Warna Flughafen 479.7 km
Retitis-Calimani 479.7 km
Luizi Calugara 482.2 km
Oltenița 482.7 km
Ghimbav 488.3 km
Poiana Stampei 489.6 km
Predeal 490.6 km
Odorheiu Secuiesc 491.7 km
Câmpina 493.4 km
Otopeni 493.8 km
Bukarest-Băneasa Flughafen 498.2 km
Bukarest 503.1 km
Sinaia (1500m) 504.4 km
Omu 506.4 km
Fundata 525.1 km

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