

Korsun-Schewtschenkiwskyj UV-Index

Ortszeit Fr, 05.07. Sa, 06.07. So, 07.07. Mo, 08.07.
UV-Index 6 6 6 6

The strength of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation is expressed as a Solar UV Index or Sun Index.The UV Index does not exceed 8 in the UK (8 is rare; 7 may occur on exceptional days, mostly in the two weeks around the summer solstice). Indices of 9 and 10 are common in the Mediterranean area. The Sun Index forecast refers to the daily maximum.

Letzte Aktualisierung: Do, 04.07. 05:02 MESZ
Nächste Wetterstation - Korsun-Schewtschenkiwskyj Abstand
Myroniwka 38.1 km
Boryspil 97.2 km
Uman 130.8 km
Kiew 130.8 km
Kropywnyzkyj 134.4 km
Hostomel Flughafen 165.0 km
Ljubaschiwka 186.7 km
Tschernihiw 195.1 km
Lubny 202.4 km
Switlowodsk 223.5 km
Mykolajiw 235.2 km
Krywyj Rih Flughafen 252.0 km
Brahin 254.4 km
Konotop 274.9 km
Homel 286.5 km
Odessa/Tsentralny 290.0 km
Schytomyr 292.8 km
Winnyzja 297.4 km
Cherson 300.2 km
Vasilievichy 314.7 km
Masyr 341.8 km
Chişinău 343.5 km
Shirki 343.9 km
Chişinău Flughafen 353.6 km
Schlobin 359.7 km
Poltawa 365.9 km
Kaszjukowitschy 383.1 km
Slauharad 385.5 km
Mohyliw-Podilskyj 398.9 km
Tschornomorske 401.3 km
Sumy 401.4 km
Trubtschewsk 407.1 km
Dnipro 418.9 km
Babrujsk 435.7 km
Sulina 441.9 km
Klichaw 447.5 km
Mahiljou 454.1 km
Iaşi 459.5 km
Roslawl 460.4 km
Schytkawitschy 465.5 km
Maliuc 470.6 km
Bârnova 471.7 km
Saporischschja 473.2 km
Schukowka 475.1 km
Ștefăneşti 476.0 km
Schepetiwka 476.9 km
Vaslui 477.9 km
Mahmudia 482.9 km
Negreşti 493.8 km
Brjansk 493.8 km
Berasino 494.1 km
Tulcea 506.6 km
Bârlad 507.2 km
Proletarskiy 517.1 km
Galați 523.7 km
Marjina Horka 525.6 km
Sluzk 542.3 km
Tecuci 552.0 km
Chiscani 552.1 km
Adjud 558.0 km
Focşani 579.7 km
Nationaler Flughafen Minsk 595.9 km
Valea Râmnicului 612.0 km

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