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Region: Kandalakscha
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Nächste Wetterstation - Kandalakscha Abstand
Kandalakscha 7.6 km
Kovda 68.8 km
Montschegorsk 91.2 km
Apatity 111.2 km
Padun 149.1 km
Murmansk 181.5 km
Buldyri 212.4 km
Umba 219.9 km
Kalewala 231.1 km
Vajda-guba 265.4 km
Lowosero 301.3 km
Salla Varriotunturi 317.1 km
Nikel 325.5 km
Kem' - Port 333.7 km
Vardø 336.5 km
Vardø Flughafen 337.6 km
Svartnes 338.3 km
Pasvik 342.6 km
Kuusamo Oulanka 345.4 km
Kuusamo Kiutakongas 353.5 km
Teriberka 354.6 km
Salla Naruska 360.5 km
Reboly 362.7 km
Raznavolok Cape 368.1 km
Kuhmo Kalliojoki 370.4 km
Kirkenes Flughafen 371.8 km
Kuusamo 372.8 km
Ruka 375.8 km
Segescha 378.3 km
Padany 381.0 km
Vadsø 397.4 km
Nyrud 400.7 km
Kashkarantsy 408.0 km
Verhov'e R.lotty 410.3 km
Ilomantsi Pötsönvaara 410.5 km
Solovetsky 414.7 km
Salla Kk Paloasema 416.8 km
Makkaur Lh 426.0 km
Batsfjord Lufthavn 445.4 km
Båtsfjord 446.3 km
Lieksa 451.3 km
Suomussalmi Pesio 460.8 km
Kolezhma 471.1 km
Savukoski 471.7 km
Inari Rajajooseppi 475.0 km
Nellim 485.8 km
Taivalkoski 489.0 km
Juuka 516.6 km
Berlevåg 516.8 km
Valtimo 521.3 km
Zizgin 521.9 km
Sotkamo 540.5 km
Rautavaara Yla-luosta 553.7 km
Tana bru 557.0 km
Slettnes fyr 599.6 km

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