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Region: Schagonar
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Nächste Wetterstation - Schagonar Abstand
Karatuzskoe 11.7 km
Nizhne-Usinskoye 13.3 km
Hunhataoortoo 27.3 km
MalayaOya 38.6 km
Ermakovskoe 54.6 km
Artjomowsk 62.0 km
Diwnogorsk 72.7 km
Ust'-Usa 81.4 km
Idrinskoe 86.4 km
Khut 87.4 km
Ulaangom 91.2 km
Shchetinkino 92.1 km
Shalinskoye 98.0 km
Turan 113.2 km
Ömnögovi 132.2 km
Minussinsk 133.9 km
Balachta 142.9 km
NizhneKazyrskaya 145.4 km
Lebyazh 147.0 km
Chowd 149.1 km
Urgamal 157.2 km
Ujar 162.2 km
Baruunturuun 167.5 km
Abakan Flughafen 168.9 km
Kysyl 177.2 km
Aginskoe / Ostsajan 222.4 km
Svetlolobovo 228.6 km
Erzin 246.9 km
Mugur-Aksy 275.3 km
Uybat 282.0 km
Nogoonnuur 283.9 km
Irbeyskoye 287.5 km
Tolbo 289.5 km
Saryg-Sep 298.1 km
Ergi-Barlyk 299.3 km
Gandan Huryee 319.5 km
Uigi 330.2 km
Tastyp 332.1 km
Uschur 343.2 km
Tsetsen Uul 345.8 km
Adyr-Kezhig 356.3 km
Kommunar 402.5 km
Scharypowo 411.2 km
Uliastai 440.9 km
Verhnjaja Gutara 453.3 km
Nenastnaya 454.4 km
Kosch-Agatsch 469.4 km
Altay 535.9 km

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