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Region: Alexandrowsk-Sachalinski
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Nächste Wetterstation - Alexandrowsk-Sachalinski Abstand
Alexandrowsk-Sachalinski 1.9 km
Pil'vo 74.7 km
Pogibi 128.9 km
Nogliki 141.7 km
Poronaisk 182.6 km
Pogranichnoe 185.4 km
Bogorodskoe 227.4 km
Ocha 244.4 km
Nikolajewsk am Amur 253.8 km
Tumnin 254.3 km
Ilyinskiy 256.5 km
Sowetskaja Gawan 263.8 km
Tjuleni-Insel 350.9 km
Juzhno-Sahalinsk Airport 354.2 km
Juzhno-Sahalinsk Airport 354.2 km
Agzu 504.0 km
Svetlaya 565.7 km

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