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Region: Radnevo
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Nächste Wetterstation - Radnevo Abstand
Sliwen 58.7 km
Kardschali 88.3 km
Gorna Orjachowiza Flughafen 89.9 km
Edirne 95.0 km
Plowdiw 130.7 km
Alexandroupoli Flughafen 143.5 km
Rasgrad 143.7 km
Zimnicea 151.8 km
Zimnicea 151.8 km
Kırklareli 156.5 km
Lowetsch 158.6 km
Giurgiu 159.4 km
Burgas 175.7 km
Burgas Flughafen 180.1 km
Alexandria 181.3 km
Turnu Măgurele 187.0 km
Oltenița 196.0 km
Kavala/Chrisoupolis 196.5 km
Videle 204.9 km
Roşiorii de Vede 210.1 km
Bukarest 213.9 km
Çanakkale 221.5 km
Tekirdağ 223.1 km
Bukarest-Băneasa Flughafen 223.6 km
Otopeni 227.7 km
Warna Flughafen 232.4 km
Titu 240.5 km
Warna 244.7 km
Călăraşi 247.5 km
Limnos Flughafen 249.5 km
Çorlu 250.2 km
Caracal 252.3 km
Mourgash 256.6 km
Urziceni 256.9 km
Musala 259.9 km
Stolnici 261.4 km
Bechet 267.1 km
Ploieşti 267.6 km
Târgovişte 271.0 km
Slatina 278.5 km
Slobozia 278.6 km
Piteşti 283.3 km
Sofia 284.4 km
Câmpina 287.3 km
Grivita 288.7 km
Serres 289.1 km
Adamclisi 290.0 km
Balıkesir-Koca Seyit Flughafen 298.1 km
Feteşti 298.5 km
Bandırma 300.3 km
Buzău 302.6 km
Sandanski 304.2 km
Drăgăşani 304.4 km
Craiova 307.0 km
Pătârlagele 308.1 km
Ayvalık 310.2 km
Sinaia (1500m) 311.3 km
Cernavodă 312.9 km
Deduleşti 313.3 km
Câmpulung 316.2 km
Omu 321.9 km
Curtea de Argeş 322.8 km
Fundata 324.1 km
Medgidia 324.5 km
Predeal 325.3 km
Mytilini 330.0 km
Hârşova 330.2 km
Râmnicu Vâlcea 331.4 km
Mangalia 333.8 km
Valea Râmnicului 333.8 km
Penteleu 336.2 km
Bisoca 337.6 km
Băileşti 337.7 km
Dikili 337.8 km
Întorsura Buzăului 339.1 km
Ghimbav 345.0 km
Balıkesir 345.9 km
Berovo 346.2 km
Istanbul 348.1 km
Mihail Kogălniceanu Flughafen 352.6 km
Lacaut Mountain 357.5 km
Constanța 358.8 km
Logreşti 359.4 km
Sfântu Gheorghe 359.7 km
Dimitrovgrad 360.3 km
Kilyos 361.6 km
Casimcea 363.1 km
Bâlea-See 364.3 km
Chiscani 365.9 km
Focşani 367.8 km
Sarıyer 368.6 km
Skyros Flughafen 370.2 km
Târgu Secuiesc 371.7 km
Calafat 372.9 km
Făgăraş 373.5 km
Polovragi 373.9 km
Thessaloniki Flughafen 374.0 km
Baraolt 382.4 km
Widin 382.4 km
Bâcleş 383.0 km

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