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Region: Naryn
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Nächste Wetterstation - Naryn Abstand
Naryn 0.0 km
Kaxgar 53.0 km
Tokmok 88.6 km
Bakanas 95.4 km
Otar 101.7 km
Almaty Flughafen 114.0 km
Yarkant 160.7 km
Bischkek 168.1 km
Murghob 245.1 km
Tian-shan' 248.9 km
Novotroitskoe 255.3 km
Guma 271.1 km
Akqi 273.0 km
Karakul 281.7 km
Bachu 288.5 km
Dschalalabat 339.9 km
Karasuu 345.8 km
Lugovoj 364.6 km
Irht 389.3 km
Talas 422.4 km
Hotan 448.8 km
Scharkent 456.9 km
Scharkent 456.9 km

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