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Region: Kyela
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Nächste Wetterstation - Kyela Abstand
Karonga 35.9 km
Isoka 143.1 km
Mzuzu 175.2 km
Nkhata Bay 194.6 km
Songea 220.0 km
Lundazi 262.5 km
Iringa 275.1 km
Sumbawanga Flughafen 287.1 km
Kasama 306.7 km
Nkhotakota 312.7 km
Kasungu 322.3 km
Mpika 345.1 km
Lichinga Flughafen 376.1 km
Dodoma 378.0 km
Lilongwe 390.1 km
Salima 394.0 km
Chipata 397.2 km
Mfue 405.4 km
Msekera 405.6 km
Chitedze 409.5 km
Tabora Flughafen 431.5 km
Morogoro 491.4 km
Kawambwa 528.3 km
Serenje 530.8 km
Marrupa 559.4 km

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