


  Sa, 06.07. So, 07.07. Mo, 08.07. Di, 09.07.
Tiefsttemperatur am Erdboden 77°F 77°F 80°F 77°F
Tag meist sonnig  meist sonnig  sonnig  meist sonnig
Letzte Aktualisierung: Di, 02.07. 14:00 MESZ
Note: Temperature forecast is minimum temperature at ground/road surface - NOT air temperature.

Key to WeatherOnline's road forecast symbols showing the effects of the weather forecast on road conditions.
symbol: trockene Strassen trockene Strassen symbol: feuchte Strassen feuchte Strassen
symbol: nasse Strassen nasse Strassen symbol: Aquaplaning Aquaplaning
symbol: Schneeglätte Schneeglätte symbol: überfrierender Regen/Nass überfrierender Regen/Nass
symbol: Raureif Raureif symbol: Glatteis Glatteis
symbol: Nebel Nebel    
Nächste Wetterstation - Barika Abstand
Biskra Airport 77.4 km
Setif/Ain-Arnat Airport 89.4 km
M'Sila 99.7 km
Bordj Bou Arreridj 99.8 km
Batna Flughafen 115.0 km
Bou-Saada Airport 128.1 km
Bejaia/Soummam Airport 151.1 km
Jijel-Achouat 167.8 km
Jijel-port 169.5 km
Constantine Flughafen 172.7 km
Tizi Ouzou 199.2 km
Oum El Bouaghi 203.8 km
Skikda 239.4 km
Djelfa/Tletsi Airport 246.9 km
El Oued/Guemer Airport 262.5 km
Guelma 264.3 km
Touggourt/Sidi Mahd Airport 265.8 km
Algier/Dar-el-Beida Airport 277.9 km
Alger-port 293.8 km
Souq Ahras 307.8 km
Medea 308.0 km
Cheikh Larbi Tébessa Airport 308.0 km
Annaba/El Mellah Airport 318.0 km
Laghouat 323.4 km
Ksar Chellala 338.5 km
Tozeur/Nefta Airport 346.4 km
Hassi R'Mel Airport 354.4 km
Hassi R'Mel 356.2 km
Miliana 361.6 km
Thala 371.5 km
Ghardaia/Noumerate Airport 373.3 km
El Kef 382.0 km
Ain Beida Airport 382.4 km
Kasserine 388.5 km
Gafsa Flughafen 400.4 km
Jendouba Flughafen 402.8 km
Hassi Messaoud Flughafen 421.2 km
Tabarka-Aïn Draham Flughafen 430.4 km
Abdelhafid Boussouf Bou Chekif Airport 432.3 km
Kebili 443.5 km
Beja 452.0 km
Siliana 453.5 km
Ech Cheliff 456.7 km
Sidi Bouzid 462.1 km
Maó 512.6 km
El Bayadh 520.5 km
Bizerte Flughafen 536.5 km
Gabès 540.0 km
Palma 546.7 km
Alfabia Mtn Range 565.0 km
Ibiza/Es Codola 587.2 km
El Borma Airport 589.4 km
Cagliari Flughafen 593.5 km
Capo Frasca 594.3 km
Decimomannu 595.0 km
Capo Carbonara 619.2 km
Capo S. Lorenzo 658.1 km
Capo Bellavista 698.3 km

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