

Kreminna UV-Index

Ortszeit Do, 04.07. Fr, 05.07. Sa, 06.07. So, 07.07.
UV-Index 6 6 6 6

The strength of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation is expressed as a Solar UV Index or Sun Index.The UV Index does not exceed 8 in the UK (8 is rare; 7 may occur on exceptional days, mostly in the two weeks around the summer solstice). Indices of 9 and 10 are common in the Mediterranean area. The Sun Index forecast refers to the daily maximum.

Letzte Aktualisierung: Do, 04.07. 02:10 MESZ
Nächste Wetterstation - Kreminna Abstand
Isjum 102.9 km
Waluiki 104.4 km
Taganrog 176.8 km
Mariupol 192.1 km
Jeisk 195.3 km
Bogoroditskoe-fenino 211.0 km
Liski 222.4 km
Charkiw 228.6 km
Belgorod 230.4 km
Kosonogov 240.4 km
Millerowo 241.3 km
Woronesch 257.0 km
Primorsko-Achtarsk 262.6 km
Woronesch 266.6 km
Bogutschar 272.8 km
Obojan 285.6 km
Liwny 306.4 km
Proletarskiy 314.7 km
Jelez 316.0 km
Anna 323.2 km
Vysokoye 326.3 km
Kursk 332.9 km
Kazanskaya 333.1 km
Kalatsch 337.0 km
Saporischschja 339.3 km
Konstantinowsk 344.2 km
Tichorezk 344.5 km
Lipezk 349.2 km
Jefremow 360.4 km
Ponyri 360.7 km
Krasnodar 362.7 km
Dnipro 363.9 km
Kertsch 378.9 km
Zemtsov 402.9 km
Gigant 409.8 km
Morosowsk 410.5 km
Poltawa 411.3 km
Mitschurinsk 416.5 km
Orjol 425.1 km
Sumy 427.3 km
ZavodskiyKhutor 428.0 km
Pavelec 428.2 km
Scherdewka 435.3 km
Urjupinsk 447.2 km
Zimljansk 450.2 km
Rjaschsk 456.1 km
Tambow 473.4 km
Borissoglebsk 474.0 km
Kumskiy 487.9 km
Simowniki 501.1 km
Serafimowitsch 506.7 km
Nowoanninski 513.2 km
Stavropol / Shpakovskoy 544.2 km
Morschansk 548.4 km
Brjansk 575.8 km
Kirsanow 587.8 km
Swetlograd 602.5 km
Zametcino 619.4 km

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