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Region: Tscheremchowo
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Nächste Wetterstation - Tscheremchowo Abstand
Balagansk 21.4 km
Mol'ka 48.4 km
Sljudjanka 72.4 km
Khutag-Öndör 102.0 km
Sima 114.7 km
Sima 114.7 km
Inga 120.7 km
Irkutsk Flughafen 141.1 km
Tarialan 146.9 km
Bratsk 164.6 km
Tanguj 232.2 km
Mondy 234.4 km
Schigalowo 243.5 km
Tulun 272.9 km
Bajandaj 274.6 km
Babuschkin 312.4 km
Kacug 316.2 km
Orlinga 318.3 km
Ust-Kut 320.5 km
Khatgal 330.2 km
Mörön 332.5 km
Orlik 362.1 km
Rinchinlhumbe 381.0 km
Kjachta 384.7 km
Novoselenginsk 403.1 km
Chervyanka 405.1 km
Tyrka 446.9 km
Nischneudinsk 450.5 km
Hadatyn 472.3 km
Ulan-Ude Flughafen 506.1 km
Kazachinsk 514.8 km
Khuzhir 519.5 km
Ulygaiin Dugang 526.7 km

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