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Region: Turij Rog
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Nächste Wetterstation - Turij Rog Abstand
Astrahanka 38.4 km
Baoqing 85.0 km
Pogranitschny 90.1 km
Timiryazevskij 99.3 km
Suifenhe 111.3 km
Jixi 115.1 km
Hulin 117.0 km
Fujin 150.2 km
Anutschino 152.9 km
Wladiwostok Flughafen 156.4 km
Kirowski 172.8 km
Partisansk 193.4 km
Dalneretschensk 200.9 km
Ekaterino-Nikol'skoe 217.3 km
Posyet 230.3 km
Mudanjiang 269.5 km
Sonbong 276.1 km
Preobrazheniye 276.4 km
Bikin 281.3 km
Birobidschan 285.3 km
Oblutschje 296.6 km
Yanji 327.4 km
Smidowitsch 329.8 km
Urmi 344.5 km
Ch'ŏngjin 347.5 km
Tonghe 365.8 km
Arhara 372.7 km
Krasnyj Jar 384.6 km
Yichun 387.8 km
Kamenka 404.8 km
Rudnaya Pristan 435.4 km
Habarovsk Airport 435.5 km
Dunhua 441.5 km
Shangzhi 447.1 km
Kur 465.4 km
Samjiyon 475.4 km
Pojarkovo 487.8 km
Hyesan 505.1 km
Changbai 507.1 km
Krasnosel'skoye 515.4 km
Sunwu 596.3 km

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