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Region: Ejin Qi
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Nächste Wetterstation - Ejin Qi Abstand
Ejin Qi 0.0 km
Zhangye 94.3 km
Shine USA 96.6 km
Bogd 134.9 km
Gangca 140.4 km
Guaizihu 145.3 km
Wushaoling 228.2 km
Minqin 237.3 km
Amar Buyantayn 268.2 km
Jiuquan 290.5 km
Saikhan-Ovoo 326.3 km
Erdeni 373.6 km
Dalandsadgad 375.0 km
Bayan Mod 383.3 km
Delhi 419.6 km
Mazong Mountain 449.0 km
Yumenzhen 449.9 km
Tsogt-Ovoo 477.1 km
Jartai 524.2 km
Zhongning 524.4 km

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