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Region: Altay
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Nächste Wetterstation - Altay Abstand
Altay 0.0 km
Ürümqi 50.9 km
Yajlju 56.4 km
Kosch-Agatsch 67.2 km
Ürümqi Flughafen 70.6 km
Koktokay 159.6 km
Qitai 165.3 km
Kaba 193.0 km
Uigi 205.9 km
Cemal 232.8 km
Ergi-Barlyk 236.9 km
Tolbo 246.8 km
Nogoonnuur 252.3 km
Mugur-Aksy 260.8 km
Hoboksar 263.5 km
Baytik Shan 272.7 km
Ust'- Koksa 275.0 km
Karamay 360.2 km
Baitag 376.6 km
Chowd 387.8 km
Bol'she Narymskoe 397.1 km
Ömnögovi 404.4 km
Shisanjianfang 406.0 km
Bayanbulak 438.9 km
Ulaangom 445.2 km

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