


Anreisetag: Dauer:

Time Period : 01.01 - 08.01

statistischer Witterungsverlauf

The average weather conditions for Feodossija:
The average daily maximum temperature was between -5°C and 4°C. At night it cooled down to temperatures between -7°C and -1°C.
On average wehte ein schwacher Wind der Stärke 3 Bft. This analysis is based on data from the past 12 years.

WeatherOnline's Travel Planner helps you calculating the average weather at a location of your choice, based on recent years data. However, please keep in mind that weather statistics can only provide you with some useful clues for your travel plans. They do not represent the actual weather or forecast.
Nächste Wetterstation - Feodossija Abstand
Kertsch 119.7 km
Simferopol Flughafen 156.0 km
Anapa 211.9 km
Anapa Flughafen 218.6 km
Saporischschja 257.4 km
Sinop (Kap) 273.7 km
Mariupol 293.9 km
Tschornomorske 302.0 km
Primorsko-Achtarsk 320.6 km
Dnipro 327.8 km
İnebolu 331.4 km
Cherson 346.6 km
Samsun 353.4 km
Jeisk 357.5 km
Carsamba/Samsun 364.7 km
Krywyj Rih Flughafen 367.6 km
Kastamonu 380.3 km
Tuapse 418.3 km
Krasnodar 419.3 km
Poltawa 426.8 km
Mykolajiw 428.8 km
Isjum 428.9 km
Taganrog 436.1 km
Switlowodsk 439.0 km
Charkiw 452.8 km
Bartın 462.6 km
Kropywnyzkyj 478.9 km
Zonguldak 519.1 km
Adler 522.2 km
Trabzon 605.4 km
Myroniwka 651.3 km

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