

Komissarovka (118m)

Anreisetag: Dauer:

Time Period : 01.01 - 08.01

Important notice about Travel Planner

Please be advised, that regional differences always will influence general weather patterns. This is especially true for precipitation. Rainfall patterns are often very local and may vary even at small distances. Statistical weather information should always be taken with care, as they represent statistically averaged weather, which may completely differ from actual conditions.

WeatherOnline's Travel Planner helps you calculating the average weather at a location of your choice, based on recent years data. However, please keep in mind that weather statistics can only provide you with some useful clues for your travel plans. They do not represent the actual weather or forecast.
Nächste Wetterstation - Komissarovka Abstand
Krywyj Rih Flughafen 84.9 km
Switlowodsk 92.2 km
Dnipro 119.7 km
Poltawa 129.5 km
Saporischschja 165.9 km
Lubny 175.6 km
Kropywnyzkyj 189.4 km
Cherson 223.9 km
Sumy 238.1 km
Mykolajiw 255.2 km
Konotop 271.2 km
Charkiw 298.7 km
Proletarskiy 299.9 km
Tschornomorske 302.5 km
Simferopol Flughafen 314.0 km
Myroniwka 343.0 km
Belgorod 360.6 km
Obojan 368.5 km
Boryspil 379.4 km
Trubtschewsk 384.0 km
Isjum 384.5 km
Kertsch 393.3 km
Kursk 394.9 km
Odessa/Tsentralny 396.3 km
Ljubaschiwka 408.2 km
Uman 409.4 km
Tschernihiw 409.8 km
Mariupol 413.8 km
Kiew 426.4 km
Ponyri 443.2 km
Bogoroditskoe-fenino 456.7 km
Hostomel Flughafen 460.7 km
Orjol 472.4 km
Anapa Flughafen 493.5 km
Anapa 495.0 km
Homel 496.7 km
Brahin 515.6 km
Liwny 547.8 km
Sulina 557.2 km
Vasilievichy 578.3 km
Sfântu Gheorghe 584.0 km
Schlobin 601.3 km
Maliuc 611.7 km
Mahmudia 624.1 km
Masyr 625.6 km

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