

Bol'sie Uki

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WeatherOnline's Travel Planner helps you calculating the average weather at a location of your choice, based on recent years data. However, please keep in mind that weather statistics can only provide you with some useful clues for your travel plans. They do not represent the actual weather or forecast.
Nächste Wetterstation - Bol'sie Uki Abstand
Bol'sie Uki 0.0 km
Odesskoe 95.9 km
Omsk 104.3 km
Usanovy 110.3 km
Poltavka 134.3 km
Ust'-Isim 167.1 km
Salym 169.9 km
Ugut 188.5 km
Tara 191.1 km
Bolscheretschje 220.5 km
Vikulovo 228.2 km
Vikulovo 228.2 km
Tscherlak 252.6 km
Aqköl 256.6 km
Schtschutschinsk 306.9 km
Irtyshsk 328.5 km
Ischim 361.2 km
Tatarsk 371.0 km
Kökschetau 388.5 km
Dem'janskoe 388.8 km
Petropawl 395.4 km
Altaj 430.1 km
Grabtsovy Airport 430.6 km
Kystovka 434.3 km
Mikhailovka 440.0 km
Tschany 440.5 km
Nischnewartowsk 453.1 km
Balkasino 464.8 km
Pawlodar 493.5 km
Tobolsk 493.7 km

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